The UNESCO Baltic Sea Project's WebQuiz 2020 results are in!


The UNESCO Baltic Sea Project's WebQuiz 2020 has ended and the results are in! This year's BSP WebQuiz has set an all-time record - there were three times as many participants as last year.

A total of 3,748 students from 8 countries around the Baltic Sea participated in the quiz, in addition also 14 sea enthusiasts and teachers tested their knowledge. The largest number of participants was from Estonian schools - 2,811 students and teachers. The second largest participant was Russia (382 participants), followed by Latvia (230 participants), Lithuania (127), Finland (124), Poland (64), Germany (20) and Denmark (4). Only one Baltic Sea Project country was left out this time - Sweden. This year, the WebQuiz was held for the first time in three age groups, it was the most popular among 14-16 year olds (1671 students), then the 10-13 year old age group (1154 students) and finally among 17-19 year olds (923 students).

The prizes for the 2020 WebQuiz are a variety of Fair trade and organic products, including educational materials that introduce students to the values ​​of Fair Trade and organic farming. Every national coordinator may give out national prizes that for example ca include a chance to participate in a natural science camp, work shadowing day, workshop etc. There are 22 international prizes that is given out from the Estonian organizer and will be sent during the beginning of 2021.

The sheet for the correct answers of the 2020 BSP WebQuiz can be found HERE.

The quiz is organized by Tartu Nature House (Estonian BSP coordinator) and funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. 

More information:

Gedy Matisen

National BSP coordinator in Estonia


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