Baltic Sea web quiz will launch SOON!

The Baltic Sea is the most polluted sea in the world because of its fragile barckish water ecosystems and many neighbouring countries with different protection schemes. Based on the HELCOM assesment, the biodiversity status is inadequate for most assessed species, and continued efforts to support biodiversity are of key importance. Also, the contamination status is elevated in all of the Baltic Sea, but some improving trends are seen (

Since 2013, the national Baltic Sea Project coordinator of Estonia, has launced a web quiz to help school teachers and students develop their research & ICT skills and learn more about the Baltic Sea. It is supported by Republic of Eestonia - Ministry of Education and Research.

The Baltic Sea web quiz will be launched on 1st of October. And everyone who want to take part can unswer till 30th of November. Participants need 45-60 minutes and a computer with sound options.

This year will be the first time when we will launch 10 questions for high schools level and teachers, 10 questions for basic school level, 10 questions for primary school level (only in Estonia, a test round), using the help of our project partners and scientist from different countries. 

The previous questions and answers can be seen here:

Last year we had over 1200 participants from 8 differnet Baltic Sea region countries.

More detailed info will be sent to schools and will be posted here and our Facebook group ( on 1st of October.


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