Let's celebrate UN Water Day together!

The UN Water Day is held annually on 22nd of March. On Friday 20th of March 2020 we will celebrate UN Water Day in all Baltic Sea countries and all BSP schools. Here are some ideas for activities at school on that day. The ideas have been created by pupils of Finnish-Russian School in Helsinki and BSP actors in different countries.

Ideas for UN Water Day 20th of March 2020

Before the day

  • Make posters to promote the day at school.
  • Plan activities that are suitable for your school. Remember the whole school approach, so that everybody is included!

On the UN Water Day 20th of March

Choose some of these ideas or create your own. 
  • Calculate your personal water footprint. You can use this calculator: http://aquapath-project.eu/calculator/calculator.html or other calculators that are in your own language.  
  • Make a quiz (e.g. Kahoot) about water consumption.
  • If you live near a body of water (the Baltic Sea, a river, a lake), act to protect it, for example, go pick up trash. 
  • Make posters for the toilet walls at your school: Why is sanitation important? How much water does flushing the toilet consume?
  • Organize a flash mob at school or in a public place such as a shopping center. 
  • Look for opportunities to save drinking water in pupils’ households. Organize various campaigns (videos, photo collages, posters, drawings, comics etc.) to raise awareness in the community, or offer the most effective ideas to the local authority. 
  • Explore the role of natural bodies of water in the process of forming settlements in ancient times and the influence of the water bodies on  economic development. The results of this research activity can be presented as a photo collage or a comic.  
  • Build “a Rube Goldberg machine” that fills a glass with water. Video the experiment and share it on the BSP Facebook page or the blog.
  • Conduct experiments according to the age of the pupils (water as a solvent, heat capacity, etc.) and draw conclusions on what natural phenomena are related to these characteristics of water.
  • Visit different places related to water, e.g. a wastewater treatment plant.
  • Keep a diary of  how much water you consume during a day. Also ,write down for how long you use running water (e.g. for how long you shower for).

Share what you do

  • Make photos or videos of your activities and post them to your national coordinator to be published on the BSP blog and Facebook page!
  • You can also make an eTwinning connection and find a teacher and a class to share your ideas and results and work on the themes. https://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/index.htm Ask your national eTwinning coordinators for help!

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